Category: IT related topics

IT-Comfort vs. IT-Security

During my work in many different IT projects, I experienced one topic, which was part of almost every single project. The discussion with IT staff about IT Security, in my eyes most of the IT staff highly underestimates the importance of IT-Security. IT-Staff always prefers comfort instead of Security. Therefore, the Security within a final Solution should always be reviewed through
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Processes in companies

As soon as it comes to the topic “processes” in companies if have experienced a big misunderstanding in all of the different sections of companies… and so far, I haven’t found a good explanation or description of this topic. Normally every company should define all types of processes which are relevant for the company, otherwise
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Agile product development

Quality is expensive…. it requires planning, it requires testing and it requires detailed development… If we buy something which will cost us money, we expect an appropriate amount of quality of this “product”… the amount of quality we expect depends on the price of the product and also on other circumstance… like the brand of
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