Category: IT related topics

Bimodal IT

Bimodal IT Rock solid and high available vs. fast and agile IT is the main business enabler! Without the IT, the business is almost unable to fulfil their business, which means they will not earn money, so from the business perspective IT has to be available all of the time, but the cost of the
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Workplace 4.0

I am sure, you already heard this new “term” Workplace 4.0 This is nothing more than a new “fashion word” for the fact, that we must start rethinking! Nothing is so constant as the “Change” and we must align this change with the way we are working… but from all kind of perspectives. On the
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What does “devops” mean?

What is DevOps?  The word Devops is a combination of the words “development” and “operation”. The real meaning behind these words are the „phases“ within a service, product or software development… Let’s take the case „Software development“ as an example to explain “Devops”. Normally a software development of a IT-Service provider has to run through
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A few weeks ago, I spoke about agile product development… ( Basically this is a smart „thing“… but what I see more and more within our daily business, is that the huge amount of pressure on companies to more and more reducing the time-to-market for product releases like hardware devices or software products… and that is
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IT-Service Management Barcamp in Munich

This year in March, i was able to attend my first Barcamp in Hamburg… The topic was: IT-Service Management ( and it was organized by Robert Sieber ( To learn more about Barcamps check this: Basically it’s a self-organized conference of people who want to share experiences or their thoughts with others to that
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