Author: Sven.Heide

DASA Devops Exchange Germany

last week, I went to Frankfurt, to attend the first DASA Devops Exchange in Germany…             If you want to know more about the DASA, checkout: So basically, it was a introduction of the DASA ant the DASA competence model and the official DASA Embassadors in Germany ( and
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Barcamp Hannover

last weekend I visited the Barcamp Hannover ( This was a two days event with ~ 500 People and ~ 90 Sessions in total!               Barcamps are usually organized over the weekend, so usually on Saturdays and Sundays. I was lucky and I got a free Ticket for the
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Sorry for the „Silence“

for almost one year it was very quiet in here, sorry for that! But I really had to focus on other things… one year ago, I started a Business Management education next to the job, this really consumed all of my time! On more than 112 Days (evenings during the week, or Saturdays) I had
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Bimodal IT

Bimodal IT Rock solid and high available vs. fast and agile IT is the main business enabler! Without the IT, the business is almost unable to fulfil their business, which means they will not earn money, so from the business perspective IT has to be available all of the time, but the cost of the
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Workplace 4.0

I am sure, you already heard this new “term” Workplace 4.0 This is nothing more than a new “fashion word” for the fact, that we must start rethinking! Nothing is so constant as the “Change” and we must align this change with the way we are working… but from all kind of perspectives. On the
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